


Grasp the implementation, seeking a breakthrough, seeking development

A year's plan starts with spring. In the face of severe and complicated operation situation of the company and the pressure head of the objectives and tasks, we should closely focus on key projects to the annual focus of the work on the painting a road map, given time, concentrate and development, tackle tough catch propulsion.


Held in February at the end of the aircraft landing gear company 2015 annual summary of the recognition and the Congress of the staff and workers

Held by the end of 2 of the aircraft landing gear company 2015 annual summary of recognition and assembly of the representatives of the employees, the financial department of the company was rated as "advanced collective", Development Study comrade was awarded the honorable title of "model worker", Jinyi branch Qiu Qingming comrade, sales points Ran Junlin comrade was named "advanced individual". Hope that the majority of employees with them as an example, to the advanced learning, with a more full of enthusiasm into their work, in an extraordinary position to make extraordinary contributions!


Win-win cooperation, adds new army

On March 17, 2016 Korea Asia World Compressor Co., Ltd. world engineering sub Park Yuanzhi chairman led a delegation line four visit drum, company and run Shan Liu, general manager, deputy general manager Chen Shuangsheng, general engineer long Lin Huang, on drum agent Korea Asia World air suspending blower matters friendly consultation and communication, to undertake the outcome of the previous rounds of consultations, the two sides reach a consensus, jointly signed the "long drum and South Korean World sub Engineering Co., Ltd. air suspending blower agency agreement" and "memorandum of cooperation", and made the formal authorization agent.


"For the love of" Yi "from the" green "to go home"

On the afternoon of May 17, 16 people of our company in Changsha City Federation of trade unions, Changsha City Office in Changsha Orange Island Scenic Area jointly organized "to love" benefit "go - the" green "home" - 2016 Changsha City workers hike. The event through the green health, low carbon environmental protection, universal form of movement, the interpretation of the green, environmental protection, low carbon, health, the development of the theme. Workers on foot route around Orange Island, a circle, a total length of about 8 km, the event, the activities of each participating players to go all out to go all the way, do not trample on the grass, do not violate the green idea. The event is our intense work in a relaxed, although we have made gratifying achievements, but in us along the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Orange Isle, feel the meaning of low carbon travel fun and two types of construction.


Summary of company meeting in 2015

In January 8th, the company held a meeting of the Party committee and the 2015 annual leadership of the Democratic life. The meeting was chaired by the Secretary of the Party committee Comrade Liu run Shan, all team members to participate in, the aircraft has Department of party work Zhang Xiangming, discipline inspection and supervision department of Qing Gong Wang attended the meeting.


Fan industry outlook

In recent years, China's fan industry has gradually become the size of the total domestic market growth rapidly, some of the strength of foreign manufacturers began to open up the Chinese market, making the domestic wind turbine industry market competition. In terms of the fan, the scientific and technological content is also increasing with the user's use of the wind turbine and the increasing demand, and the social needs of the fan type has gradually become diversified. Fan blower, centrifugal fan, axial fan of these types has been accepted by all walks of life.


American customers to the company for product acceptance

Recently, the United States Air chemical products company (Products Air) in my company ordered the product acceptance, acceptance in strict accordance with international standards, my company's products with excellent quality and smooth through the acceptance. The United States Air and chemical products company is a world leader in the industrial gas suppliers and manufacturers of chemicals and related equipment. The company was founded in 1940, based in Arlington, Pennsylvania, USA, at present in more than 30 countries and regions in the world have more than 300 gas production plants.



With the rapid development of the network era, which caused a great impact on the traditional industries. We wind up machine machining also faces challenges in the downturn in the industry, manufacturers, agents are beginning to have strategic eye sight back market, which has become the highlight of the enterprise transformation.


Development of small and medium sized fan

Roots blower industry began in the small fan, although has the unique market space, but small and medium-sized fan face domestic and international market has shrunk, outdated technology standard, policy environment is poor. In order to explore the above industry problems, we organized to participate in the fan industry standard meeting, the old technology innovation and transformation, the development of new products, such as wind turbine.


Company shut the work by the Municipal Committee of the leadership.

December 6 in the afternoon, the city closed Committee of Dong Xuesheng director, bin Kai Li, Liu Yuejie, deputy director of the rate of city closes Working Committee, the SASAC close committee leadership 11 people to our research, the leadership of the company chairman Liu, Tan secretary took part in the survey.


Do advocate work of Party members and leading cadres

To promote the company "strict three real special education activities and strive to achieve tangible results, Liu total in to the company middle-level cadres" strict three real special education party class leadership, combined with the present situation of enterprise management, emphatically points out the sales, production, technology and other leading cadres at all levels should be as the urgency and importance of what the actual work, practice the spirit of "tight".


My company is certified by the German company in Rhine

Recently, the TUV Rheinland Group by Alibaba international station commissioned, on our production and management of the status quo of detailed investigation, that our company in full compliance with the Alibaba international station requirements for export enterprises. Therefore, Rheinland Group to Alibaba issued by the authoritative report, this report relates to the company's ISO management system, design and development, human resources, production equipment, product quality management, financial situation, after-sales service, such as, to a one-time through the international authoritative certification company, a full description of our company has to the strength of the international market. Company international station will be officially launched on the 28 day of this month.


Warm congratulations to our company once again elected as the director of the Environmental Protection Industry Association

Warm congratulations to our company once again elected as the director of the Environmental Protection Industry Association


Let corporate culture become the thought of the company's reform and development

Run Shan Liu, general manager at the beginning of the company strategic human resources management consulting project start and 2015 for the first time cadres, it puts the emphasis on the importance of strengthening the construction of enterprise culture, and this started a series of discussions. Reflects the company decision-making layer on the future development direction of the drum of foresight, the importance of the construction of the enterprise culture's attention and accurate positioning.


Strive to promote the construction of enterprise culture carefully draw on the development of the blueprint for a hundred years

March 10th afternoon, in the company's office building, the five floor of the company held a middle-level cadres meeting, the company leaders and all middle-level cadres to participate in the meeting by the Deputy Director General Chen presided over the meeting.


Study on the leadership of the aircraft Limited by Share Ltd in China

On 12 August 2014, AVIC Aircraft Corporation, comprehensive planning, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Hu Changli, AVIC aircraft landing gear rack limited liability company deputy general manager he Chao Chen, senior managing Li Yangming and comprehensive plan, the legal affairs department and other department is responsible for people visit our company research, the company leadership run Shan Liu, Chen Shuangsheng, Zhou Zhongye, Shenxi, Jiangxi and so on to participate in research activities.


Foreign experts to complete the investigation of my company

Recently, the French liquid space group sent a number of experts to visit our company, to seek ways to cooperate with the company. France liquid space group is one of the world's top 500 companies, one of the world's top enterprises, the world's first industrial and medical gases and related services provider.


New equipment to assist the company's product quality strategy

In order to meet the market demand, expand production capacity, is also to deploy the strategy of product quality, our company newly purchased a number of high-performance numerical control equipment, and installed in place, today officially began to put into production.


Docking central enterprises, the development of the industry

December 12th, is regarded as one of China's economic wind vane of the year 2013 Chinese economic figures selection results officially released, Lin Zuoming, chairman of the Chinese Aviation Industry Corp won the title of the economic man of the year award.


AVIC aircraft Limited by Share Ltd, AVIC aircraft landing gear limited liability company led a 9 people once again came to the long investigation and study

Recently, AVIC Aircraft Corporation, the aircraft rise and fall frame limited liability company leadership line 9 once again came to the drum for investigation and research, to drum company business, production of a detailed understanding of, suggestions for the future development of the market exchange of views, and proposed a Ken. At the same time, the two leaders on the relocation of the new company to hold further consultations, and strive to build the fastest speed and put into production.


In recognition of the outstanding contributions made by the enterprises in the past two years (2011-2012) in the development of science and technology of mechanical industry in Hunan Province

For the recognition of the enterprise for two years to (2011-2012) in Hunan Province machinery industry science and technology progress made outstanding contributions, the relevant project machinery industry association of Hunan Province, Hunan Provincial Institute of mechanical engineering, Hunan Province machinery industry technology and Planning Development Association jointly organized the enterprise declared was evaluated. Changsha Blower Factory Co., Ltd. to declare the S series of high efficiency and energy saving type roots blower research and development project "was awarded the 3rd Award for progress in science and technology.


The innovation of science and technology exploits - the first successful trial of roots of water vapor compressor

At the beginning of the year, the company through the early careful, careful analysis of the feasibility of and fully proved, with the customer signed a roots water vapor compressor contract, contract requirements of the compressor inlet temperature reaches 100 DEG C, outlet temperature of 160 DEG C, transmission medium is water vapor.


Changfeng series blower was awarded the provincial government awarded the title of famous brand in Hunan in 2011

Recently, in Hunan Province to carry out the to implement famous brand strategy and standardization strategy of quality as the main content of the revitalization of the activities, our company due to the solid advance quality to revitalize and standardization strategy, the quality of the basic work get to lay a solid foundation for further, main products overall quality and the quality of enterprise management level constantly improve, product quality, project quality, service quality has improved significantly. The "Changfeng" brand series of blower won the provincial government awarded the 2011 "Hunan famous brand" title.


Long won the Hunan province machinery and equipment industry enterprise product quality assessment of ninth 2011

Day before the Hunan Provincial Machinery and equipment industry in 2011 enterprise product quality assessment, my company by virtue of excellent technology and product quality, won the ninth good results. The evaluation, there are hundreds of enterprises to participate in, many of whom are Zhonglian Zoomlion, Sany Heavy Industry, CSR, Hengyang TBEA well-known companies.


Our company was 11th Five-Year national wind turbine industry standardization work advanced unit

In the recently held a "Eleventh Five Year" national fan industry standardization work summary of the meeting, because our company of fan industry standardization work effectiveness significantly and was named "Eleventh Five Year 'National fan industry standardization work advanced unit"; technology development department minister Zhu won the "Eleventh Five Year" national wind machine industry standardization work advanced worker "title of honor. Company chief engineer Huang in the meeting on behalf of the drum on the general use of Roots blower "series standard revision of the details, and Congress unanimously adopted.


Our company was awarded the Provincial Machinery Industry Excellent Enterprise Award

Drum on the quality of the work has always been the pursuit of excellence management, continuous innovation mode of quality management and control, and vigorously promote the quality of mass loss reduction and synergistic activities, sustained and stable product quality improvement and quality management effectiveness significantly.


CIEPEC twelfth the 2011 China International Environmental Protection Exhibition held in victory

On June 7 to 10 days, by the State Environmental Protection Department, national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of industry, live Ministry of construction and the Beijing Municipal Government jointly organized, China Environmental Protection Industry Association hosted the 12th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition held in Beijing


My company to participate in the CHINA+EPTEE+CWS IFAT 2011 International Water Treatment Exhibition to the water supply and drainage

May 5 to 7, my company to jointly organized by the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Shanghai ZM International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and Munich, Germany Expo Group Shanghai 2011 China international environmental protection, waste and resource utilization, China International Water Treatment Exhibition. There are more than and 800 enterprises from the domestic and international more than and 20 countries and regions on display their products, technology and services in the field of environmental protection, there are more than 20000 professional visitors to visit. To take this platform, we to the social from all walks of life show the company's technology strength, product quality assurance, so that more environmental companies know our company, at the same time, through further communication with all parties of environmentalists, and promotion, for the company to find more potential customers of.


My company's products through the EU CE certification

"CE" logo is a safety certification mark, is regarded as the manufacturer to open and enter the European market passport. CE on behalf of the European unity (EUROPEENNE CONFORMITE). Those labeled "CE" logo products can be in the EU domestic sales, not required to meet the requirements of each member country's, so as to realize the free circulation of goods in the EU member states within the scope.


Our products once again won the water industry customer satisfaction equipment title

Recently, the domestic largest water industry professionals network China's water network. Water district organization "2009-2010 blower equipment users satisfied with the equipment selection, our company" Changfeng "brand of Roots blower again won the award. The survey not only includes the domestic well-known fan manufacturers, but also covers the United States, Germany, France, Britain, Finland, Italy, Japan, Korea and other international brands. Survey data are all from the direct users and the Design Institute, not to the manufacturers to collect any fees, can be said to be a fair and authoritative evaluation. Investigation and analysis of the indicators "brand awareness", "brand usage," quality and customer satisfaction "," product satisfaction "," product price satisfaction "," product service satisfaction "," product operation satisfaction, "Changfeng" brand in the index are ranked top ten list, showing drum "Changfeng" brand strong competitiveness and users a high degree of recognition.


Warm congratulations to our AR series of products for the Fifth International Conference on fluid Exhibition Gold Award

In October 2010, China General Machinery Industry Association held "the 5th China International Fluid Machinery Exhibition", our company carrying a variety of products exhibitors, by dint of exhibitors products of excellent performance, stable quality, perfect service get participants alike and AR series products is to obtain the title of gold products


Warmly welcome China general machinery industry association leaders to visit the company

November 12, coincided with the 2010 China General Machinery Industry Association statistics work conference held in Changsha on the occasion,


"Three standard one" certification smoothly through the review

Which lasted two days, by the China Quality Certification Center of the auditor to my company quality management system operation of strict examination, the company good accordance with the ISO9001 quality system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification, GB / T28001 occupation health and safety management system certification "three standards" requirements set up the management system, to achieve the desired results, successfully passed the audit, the recertification.


Changsha blower Roots Blower Factory domestic accounted for about 30%

According to Huicong network recently conducted a survey, Changsha Blower Factory Limited liability company (drum) developed ar series Roots blower, the domestic market share rate of more than 30%.


S series became the first batch of our province to promote energy-saving products

Our newly developed s series Roots blower due to its efficient, energy saving, low noise, and conventional products ratio, maximum speed increased by 30%, 5% increase in the average volumetric efficiency, advantages of energy-saving of 8-10%, Hunan Province Energy Research and Conservation Association for the promotion of the first batch of energy-saving technology products.


My company was the Ministry of Commerce as the most competitive brands in the market

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce released the "most competitive" brand directory, my company "Changfeng" products is included, which is of our company product quality and market share rate of fully affirmed.